Book 600 essential words for the TOEIC 3rd Edition

Book 600 essential words for the TOEIC 3rd Edition

Book 600 essential words for the TOEIC 3rd Edition
Hébergeur : 

Format : .PDF + Mp3

Langue : Anglais

Nombre de pages : 374

Nombre de fichiers : 53 Fichiers

Taille totale : 264 Mo

This new edition has been designed to correspond to the last format TOEIC and includes fifty vocabulary-building lessons that focus on American English as it is used in the context of modern business, the industry, communications, and cultural activities.
Examples of practical use in English touch on topics such as contracts, marketing, banking and personnel, among others. 
Other lessons can broaden the English vocabulary in areas related to cultural activities, such as movies, museums, music and art. 
Each lesson presents 12 target words with definitions, used in several different contexts. 
Exercises follow every lesson, and a quiz follows every five lessons to test their newly acquired skills in the understanding and use of these new words. 
The included audio CD provides essential help in pronunciation and listening comprehension.


1 commentaires:

  1. Link download doesn't work. Can you reupload for me. Thank you a lot of.


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